Award Nominations

Seeking Nominations for the Annual East Lansing Educational Foundation Awards

Each year the East Lansing Educational Foundation presents a number of awards at its annual awards dinner. We are seeking nominations from the community for these awards. The awards and criteria are listed below, followed by the nomination form. Nominees will be kept on file for up to three (3) years as the Foundation makes these awards on an annual basis.

Please submit your nomination by completing the form below.



*Instructions for formal statement of nomination:
Please provide a specific description of the nominee’s contributions and how these fit the established criteria for the specific award for which the person is nominated. Please indicate the year of graduation from ELPS if nominee is to be considered for an alumni award. You are encouraged to also attach additional information to support the nomination including additional two letters of support and newspaper, media, webbased documents, and/or other items that support the merits of the nominee for the specific award. If you nominate for more than one award, please address merits for all awards.


Our Awards

Distinguished Alumni Award
  • Must be an ELHS alum, or should have spent the majority of their K-12 education in EL schools
  • Must have accumulated a record of distinguished achievement and community service but not necessarily limited to service within the EL area
  • Should function as a professional and/or personal example and/or inspiration to EL students
  • Has achieved professional distinction at the national or international level
Outstanding Alumni Honor Roll
  • Must be an ELHS alum, or should have spent the majority of their K-12 education in EL schools
  • Must have accumulated a record of distinguished achievement and community service but not necessarily limited to service within the EL area
  • Should function as a professional and/or personal example and/or inspiration to EL students
East Lansing Educational Foundation Award
  • Not required to be East Lansing alum
  • Must have accumulated a record of service to East Lansing Public Schools and or the East Lansing Educational Foundation
Theda Assiff Award for Distinguished Community Service
  • Not required to be EL alum
  • For ongoing, consistent, and outstanding service to the East Lansing Community
Spartan Village G.L.O.B.A.L. Education Award
  • Employee of East Lansing Public Schools. Past recipients are ineligible for 5 years after receipt of the award
  • Nominees must demonstrate excellence in the following areas:
  • Preparation of children to participate in a diverse, global society.
  • Collaboration with colleagues to learn and share knowledge and methods and share innovative ideas of colleagues.
  • Demonstrate fostering of family participation in the educational and community settings.
  • Celebrate the diversity of an international population and engage them in the educational and community setting.